Dr. Eric Cohen


Dr. Crystal is the Director of Arrhythmia Services at the Schulich Heart Centre and joined the Division of Cardiology in 2002 as Staff Cardiologist. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, University of Toronto. He also serves as an Associate Scientist at Sunnybrook Research Institute, and the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St Michael Hospital.

He is the President of the Society For Cardiac Remote Navigation of Americas (SCRN-A), and President-Elect of Global SCRN. He is the Chairman of the National Ablation Committee (Canadian Heart Rhythm Society) and Board Member, Ontario Association of Cardiologists. Dr. Crystal is the Chairman and Founder of the Winter Arrhythmia School, the largest Arrhythmia CME in Canada. He is also a founding member of the European Cardiac Arrhythmia Society.

His research interests are in ablation strategies for various cardiac arrhythmia, and in development of robotics and automation in ablation therapy, as well as in the optimization of arrhythmia device therapies. He authored and co-authored over 200 peer-reviewed manuscripts in clinical and experimental cardiology. He holds numerous patents in the field of Cardiology. 

Currently, he is a Principal Investigator of DxAF trial  (AF in ICD patients) and SPARTAC trial (sham ablation trial in SVT). Dr. Crystal is a member of over 15 scientific committees of international Cardiac Electrophysiology congresses and a reviewer for numerous journals in the field of cardiovascular medicine. Dr. Crystal is co-appointed as Cardiologist/Electrophysiologist at Women's College Hospital.